RSA 2021 rountable: How did they say “Renaissance” in Renaissance Europe?

RSA 2021
Roundtable: How did they say “Renaissance” in Renaissance Europe?
Table ronde : Comment disait-on la Renaissance dans l’Europe de la Renaissance ?
Wednesday, April 21, 2021 – 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM
Mercredi 21 avril 2021, 20h-21h30 (heure de Paris)
Lien de connexion (nécessite d’être membre de la RSA à jour de sa cotisation)
This roundtable sponsored by FISIER is part of the “Renaissance(s)” programme (Université Paris Nanterre & Université Paris 8) and the “Translation and Polyglossia” project (funded by Institut Universitaire de France). It will bring together scholars working on the lexicons of novelty, renewal, modernity, in Renaissance texts written in French, Italian, English, Spanish, and German. The discussions (in French and in English) will adopt a comparative, trans-linguistic, transnational and translational approach, in order to shed light on Renaissance writers’ sense of living in times of changes, focussing on two main lexical areas: 1. Romance words derived from Latin saeculum (siècle, siglo, secolo) and their non-Romance equivalents or translations, which are used to put the present time in a historical perspective; 2. Romance words built with the re-/ri– prefix, which refer to new beginnings or to a return to original purity (refaire, réforme, rinascimento, etc.), and their non-Romance counterparts.
Organiser: Prof. Véronique Ferrer, Université Paris Nanterre
Chair: Prof. Jean-Louis Fournel, Université Paris 8
Introduction (20h-20h10)
Véronique Ferrer Université Paris Nanterre : Présentation du programme de recherche pluriannuel « Renaissances. Mots et usages d’une catégorie historiographique (Université Paris Lumières
Jean-Louis Fournel Université Paris 8 : Présentation de l’atelier How did they say « Renaissance » ?
1. Siècle (20h10-20h30)
- Mathieu De la Gorce Université Paris Nanterre
- Philippe Rabaté Université Paris Nanterre
- Laetitia Sansonetti Université Paris Nanterre et IUF
2. Nouveau/Nouveauté (20h25-20h45)
- Corinne Manchio Université Paris 8
- Mathilde Bernard Université Paris Nanterre
- Elsa Kammerer Université de Lille et IUF
3. Réveil /Naître-Renaître (20h45-21h)
- Nadia Cernogora Université Paris Nanterre
- Emmanuelle Morgat-Longuet Université Paris Nanterre
4. Débats et échanges avec les présent.e.s 21h-21h30
Disciplines: Comparative Literature, English Literature, French Literature, Germanic Literature, Hispanic Literature, Italian Literature